
[과학산책] 조광현 교수님, 역노화 원천기술 개발

소영 장
2021-07-13 15:25
[과학산책] 조광현 교수님, 역노화 원천기술 개발

Q1. 시스템생물학이란?
Q2. 역노화 원천기술 개발 소개
Q3. 앞으로의 연구 방향

S. Lee, C. Lee, C. Y. Hwang, D. Kim, Y. Han, S. N. Hong, S.-H. Kim, and K.-H. Cho*, “Network inference analysis identifies SETDB1 as a key regulator for reverting colorectal cancer cells into differentiated normal-like cells”, Molecular Cancer Research, 18, 1, pp.118-129, Jan. (2020).

S. An, S.-Y. Cho, J. Kang, S. Lee, H.-S. Kim, D.-J. Min, E. Son, and K.-H. Cho*, “Inhibition of 3-phosphoinositide–dependent protein kinase 1 (PDK1) can revert cellular senescence in human dermal fibroblasts”, PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America), 117, 49, pp. 31535-31546, Dec. (2020).