
세미나 안내 (김재경 박사 2014. 8. 5 (화) 오전 11:00시 / 220호 강의실)

2014-07-30 13:32

연구실 세미나를 아래와 같이 안내하니 많은 참석 바랍니다.


1. 일시 : 2014년 8월 5일 오전 11:00시

2. 장소 : 정문술빌딩 220호 강의실

3. 연사 : Kim Jae Kyoung (Ohio State University)

4. 제목 : Mathematics for complex and stochastic biochemical networks with disparate timescales

5. Abstract

The functions of living cells are regulated by the complex biochemical network, which
consists of stochastic interactions among genes and proteins. However, due to the
complexity of biochemical networks and the limit of experimental techniques, identifying
entire biochemical interaction network is still far from complete. On the other hand,
output of the networks, timecourses of genes and proteins can be easily acquired
with advances in technology. I will describe how to use oscillating timecourse data
to reveal biochemical network structure by using a fixed-point criteria. Moreover, I
will describe how mathematical modeling can be used to understand the dynamics
and functions of complex biochemical networks with an example of circadian clock.
Finally, in biochemical networks, reactions occur on disparate timescale. This timescale
separation has been used to project deterministic models of biochemical networks
onto lower-dimensional slow manifolds with quasi-steady state approximation (QSSA).
I will discuss whether this reduction technique for deterministic systems can be used
for stochastic systems. Specifically, I will show when macroscopic rate functions
derived with QSSA (e.g. Hill functions) can be used to derive the propensity functions of
microscopic rates for Gillespie algorithm.